Rewards for OSS Contributions

teaRank quantifies the impact of open-source software projects

OSS projects registered in tea could be eligible to receive rewards based on their teaRank.
3.5 billion TEA tokens have been allocated to fund rewards in the tea Protocol. Learn more      

Search your project and see if it qualifies to earn rewards on tea

Package manager

brew • pkgx
teaRank not detected

This might happen because your project is in a package manager we do not support yet or because it doesn’t meet teaRank requirements.

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Current teaRank

Sip Sip hooray!
node is more impactful than 99.99% of all OSS projects*.
*Based on supported package managers on
Project Rewards Qualifications
teaRank Rewards

Eligible for rewards

This project qualifies to get a portion of the 2.5B TEA tokens to be distributed by the protocol as teaRank rewards.

Staking Rewards Commissions

Eligible for rewards

This project can get a share of the staking rewards that the community will stake against it.


Current teaRank

Sip Sip hooray!
node is more impactful than 99.99% of all OSS projects*.
*Based on supported package managers on
Project Rewards Qualifications
teaRank Rewards

Eligible for rewards

This project qualifies to get a portion of the 2.5B TEA tokens to be distributed by the protocol as teaRank rewards.

Staking Rewards Commissions

Eligible for rewards

This project can get a share of the staking rewards that the community will stake against it.


Current teaRank

Sip Sip hooray!
node is more impactful than 99.99% of all OSS projects*.
*Based on supported package managers on
Project Rewards Qualifications
teaRank Rewards

Not qualified yet

This project’s teaRank is below the 25 teaRank threshold to receive rewards. Discover the factors that affect the score.

Staking Rewards Commissions

Eligible for rewards

This project can get a share of the staking rewards that the community will stake against it.

We were not able to detect your project’s teaRank

There are a few reasons why we cannot detect a project’s teaRank:

The project is not in one of the supported package managers: APT, Crates, Homebrew, npm, pkgx, PyPI, RubyGems.

The project does not have any dependents and dependencies.

If you are still having trouble checking the teaRank of an eligible project, the tea community can help you.

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Maintain full control of your project's governance: configure your constitution on tea and manually add it to your repository
Manual Registration
Create a file with the project constitution using our configurator, and add it manually.
  • For supported package managers
  • Available for GitHub, GitLab, and others
  • Manual registration with your project’s repo
  • Defines your project’s constitution
  • Full support from the tea team
Automatic Registration
Coming Soon
Connect your GitHub account and register your project easily and quickly.
  • For supported package managers
  • Available for GitHub projects only
  • Seamless registration with your project’s repo
  • Defines your project’s constitution
  • Full support from the tea team
Register Your First Project
Maintain full control of your project's governance: configure your constitution on tea and manually add it to your repository
Create a project constitution file using our configurator, and add it manually to your project's repo.
  • For supported package managers
  • Available for GitHub, GitLab, and others
  • Manual registration with your project’s repo
  • Defines your project’s constitution
  • Full support from the tea team

Seamlessly register OSS projects from multiple package managers

... with more to come!

How teaRank rewards are calculated

Proof of Contribution

Proof of Contribution ranks every OSS project, every day

Proof of Contribution is the ranking algorithm that determines a project’s teaRank. The algorithm continually evaluates and scores open-source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact on and value to the OSS ecosystem.

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Dynamic teaRank

teaRank adapts to the constant evolution of the OSS ecosystem

A project’s teaRank is the unbiased, independent score assigned to each open-source software project. The teaRank for a project is dynamic and always changing, just like the OSS ecosystem.

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Software dependents

More software dependents may boost a project's teaRank

teaRank may increase for an open-source software project with an increasing number of dependents. Software projects at the bottom of the tech stack with many important dependents can earn a high teaRank.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

What is teaRank?

teaRank is a dynamic score that's generated by the Proof-of-Contribution ranking algorithm. A project's teaRank reflects the impact of the software on the entire OSS ecosystem. The tea Protocol uses teaRank scores to allocate the daily distribution of TEA tokens.

How is teaRank calculated?

teaRank is calculated by evaluating the position and usefulness of a software project in the OSS ecosystem. A project with an increasing number of dependent software projects may earn a teaRank that increases over time.

When does teaRank change?

A software project's teaRank may change whenever its impact on or position in the OSS ecosystem changes. Adding or removing project dependents or dependencies can directly affect a project's teaRank.

Which OSS projects get the highest teaRank?

Open-source software projects at the base of the tech stack may be well positioned to earn a high teaRank. Proof of Contribution, the ranking algorithm that produces teaRank scores, favors impactful OSS projects with many dependents and few or no dependencies.

Read All FAQs